Extending the LP100 to serve dual rig duty The LP-100a in the default configuration services one coupler. However, Larry N8LP has added provisions where a second coupler can be serviced by the same LP-100a control head. This brings the ability of the control head to read power and swr for two amps - with automatic switching based on a power sensor. The LP-100a serves a very important function in the SO2R setup because the amps I will be using do not have SWR protection internally. I will need to rely on the LP-100a to ensure the amps are pushed off line in the event something happens to the antenna. And with an antenna configutation this complex, the chances of that are much higher than normal. The LP-100a dual coupler mod includes the internal board, an additional coupler and the coax connections. The coupler mod is avilable as a kit, as a service by N8LP and as an option at the time of initial order. For more info on the LP100 Dual Coupler: http://www.telepostinc.com/Dual_coupler.html 