Found on these links are some of the projects - present and past - from the homebrew bench of ACØC. Some of the projects are done well, some not. But every one was a lot of fun. Homebrew is one of the things that really attracted me to radio in 1974. My first Elmer Bill Turney now WS4Y had a single tube 3-500z homebrew amp cooking away when I went to his shack. One look at the glow from that classic tube and I was hooked. The last time I talked to Bill, the amp was still operational some 30+ years later. Hope these projects give some ideas to others. Each was a real learning opportunity for me. There are few original ideas contained here - most are a compilation of things I saw others do and thought, that would be neat to incorporate into my project. NONE of the projects illustrated on the homebrew pages is intended to be comprehensive. In most cases, the final build differs somewhat from what you see here because the "engineering modifications" continued up to and even after the final work was done. While I hope these projects can give ideas to others, there is not enough time available to answer "help me to duplicate your work by providing final schematics and build instructions" types of requests. 73/jeff/acØc |