I use the NaP3/LP-PAN combo for my bandscope needs but the maximum bandwidth of that system is limited to 192 KHz. The SM-5000 will display a much wider bandwidth. While the SM-5000 is not remotely in the same class of capability and performance of more sophisticated tools, it is handy for indicating general band activity at a glance. Unfortunately, like the small OLED on the FT-dx5000, the SM-5000 display will fade over long use to the point of disappearing. Fortunately the display replacement is quick and easy. And with the new display fitted, original function is restored. 
Replacement was simple and took less than 30 minutes. Most of the time was determining which screws needed to be removed.
Before pulling the front plastic cover off the SM5000 case, disconnect these two cable assemblies first. The ribbon cable is a compression fit type so lift the ribbon cable by each side of the blue reenforcement strip evenly in a smooth upward motion. The display is secured to the front plastic housing by one screw and lifts out from the end with the screw. The original and the replacement board are shown here side-by-side. For a high-resolution view, click on the photo.
It's clear the board layout has changed over time but I could not determine if the new display was somehow improved or not Yaesu Cypress (CA) had stock of the module. Cost was about $170. Yaesu P/N Q7000684A. To extend life of this display (and those of the FT-5000), be sure to dim the display when the rig is powered on but otherwise not in use. |